Dr Valeria Amoretti
Archaeological Park of Pompeii
Valeria Amoretti is an archaeologist and physical
anthropologist. She worked for several years as a
freelance professional bioarchaeologist for Italian
Superintendences. At the same time she was α PhD
student in Medieval Archaeology (Anthropology of
Death) and α research fellow in the same subject.
At some point in her career, the desire to learn to
narrate and display anthropological findings led her
to attend a second PhD in Architecture, Design and
Cultural Heritage. Her thesis concerned the museology
of human remains, with particular reference for
legislation and the impact of sensitive materials on
the public. Since 2018 she has been a physical
anthropologist at the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage
and is in charge of human remains of Pompeii.
She has been one of the curators of the recent conference in partnership with the
Egyptian Museum in Turin entitled “Human Remains. Ethics, Conservation, Display”.
She has worked in almost 60 archaeological excavations, studied a large number of
necropolises and published 45 papers.