Human remains in archaeological museums. Ethics & Display el

Sofia Voutsaki

Professor of Greek Archaeology
Director of Studies, Research Master Archaeology, Groningen Institute of Archaeology

Sofia Voutsaki studied history and archaeology at the University of Athens and did her PhD thesis at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Prof. Lord Renfrew. She has been a Lecturer in the Department of Classics in Cambridge, and since 2011 she is Professor of Greek Archaeology in Groningen. Her main research interest is mortuary theory and the interpretation of burial practices, both in the Middle and Late Helladic periods and in the ancient world. She is also interested in the use of new analytical methods for the study of burial assemblages (e.g. osteoarchaeology, stable isotope analysis and ancient DNA analysis). She directed the Middle Helladic Argolid Project, in which she applied these new methods on a large scale, and is now responsible for the excavation, study and publication of the early Mycenaean cemetery in Ayios Vasileios, Laconia. Finally, she is also interested in the history of archaeology, the attitudes to the past in modern Greece and the presentation of archaeological research to the public.

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